Account & Billing
How do I make changes to my AutoPay settings or payment method?
How do I make changes to my AutoPay settings or payment method?
You can make changes to your AutoPay settings (i.e. Max Payment Amount or payment method) via your My altafiber Account (Billing > AutoPay > AutoPay Settings). If you make changes to your AutoPay settings, your changes will take effect for the billing cycle immediately following the current one.
For example, if you change bank accounts and you enter your changes in January, your new information will take effect in the February cycle. January will continue to debit your original account and February will debit your new account. -
How do I stop AutoPay?
How do I stop AutoPay?
You may cancel a scheduled payment all the way up until the due date via your My altafiber Account (Billing > AutoPay > AutoPay Settings> Schedule Payment). At the bottom of this screen you will see an option to "Cancel My Next Scheduled Payment Only." This will only cancel the next scheduled payment. If you select the "Cancel AutoPay" option, this will cancel all future scheduled payments (Note: the change will not take effect until the following month's bill cycle). If you cancel AutoPay you will need to pay your bill via another method (online, mail, or in a retail store). -
If I do not sign up for eBill, will I still get my promotional discount?
If I do not sign up for eBill, will I still get my promotional discount?
Our new customer promotions include an eBill discount. You have 30 days after signing up for service to activate your eBill via your My altafiber Account. If you do not, your eBill discount will be removed from your account. -
If I make changes to my AutoPay settings, when will those changes take effect?
If I make changes to my AutoPay settings, when will those changes take effect?
If you make changes to your AutoPay settings, your changes will take effect for the billing cycle immediately following the current one. For example, if you change bank accounts and you enter your changes in January, your new information will take effect for the February cycle. January will continue to debit your original account and February will debit your new account.
What is AutoPay and how do I sign-up?
What is AutoPay and how do I sign-up?
AutoPay is a convenient automatic payment service. -
What is eBill and how do I sign-up?
What is eBill and how do I sign-up?
eBill is our convenient paperless billing solution that makes paying your bill simple and hassle-free.
Are there different ways to pay my bill? How do I pay my bill?
Are there different ways to pay my bill? How do I pay my bill?
The easiest way to pay your bill is electronically using your My altafiber Account. -
Do I still make my check out to Cincinnati Bell or altafiber?
Do I still make my check out to Cincinnati Bell or altafiber?
You can make your checks out to Cincinnati Bell or altafiber. On the back of your remittance slip, you will find additional details on how to pay your bill via check. The address you send your check to will not be changing. -
How can I confirm my payment was made?
How can I confirm my payment was made?
You can log into your My altafiber Account and then go to Billing > Bill Summary > Payment History. You will see a list of payments made in the past 90 days. Payments will post immediately after you submit your payment if paid via My altafiber Account, over the phone or in a retail store. If you paid via your bank portal, it may take up to 24 hours to post. -
How can I pay my bill online?
How can I pay my bill online?
The easiest way to pay your bill is electronically using your My altafiber Account. It is easy to view and/or pay your bills online by signing up for a My altafiber Account. You can register for this free service by clicking on the "My altafiber Login" link located in the top right corner of every webpage. New users will need to enter the account number found on their bill as well as their name and email address. Users will then be prompted to set up a password in order to view and manage their account online.
You can also download our My altafiber app to view and/or pay your bills on your phone or tablet.
How can I view my payment history?
How can I view my payment history?
You can log into your My altafiber Account, the go to Billing > Bill Summary > Payment History -
How much is the late payment fee?
How much is the late payment fee?
Late payment fee amounts will be found in the "Total Due" section on page 1 of your bill and in the remittance slip. -
What is the surcharge for paying my bill with a credit card?
What is the surcharge for paying my bill with a credit card?
Effective November 1, 2024, a 2.5% surcharge on the transaction amount applies to credit card payments made by eligible accounts online and via phone (including autopay recurring payments). To minimize any inconvenience, we would like to remind you that we continue to accept bill payments by electronic check or debit card without the additional surcharge. Autopay customers should update their payment method before October 15, 2024 to avoid the surcharge. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please call us at 513-565-2210.
When will my online bill payment be available?
When will my online bill payment be available?
Payments made via a bank portal may not be immediately reflected on your balance and can take up to 24 hours to post. Payments will post immediately after you submit your payment if paid via My altafiber Account, over the phone with an agent, or in a retail store.
You can confirm or verify that your payment has been submitted by going to the Payment History section in your My altafiber Account located under Billing > Bill Summary > Payment History. Payment History will show all payments made within the past 90 days.
How can I get reminders on when my bill is due or bill ready notifications?
How can I get reminders on when my bill is due or bill ready notifications?
You can log into your My altafiber Account and manage your notifications. We can send email or text notifications that your bill is due after you enabled notifications by going to Billing > Bill Summary > Manage Notification in your My altafiber Account. -
How can I view my bill?
How can I view my bill?
You can view your bill by signing into My altafiber Account. If you are enrolled in our eBill program, you can opt-in to receive a text alert or email when your monthly bill is available online. If you are not enrolled in eBill, we will mail you a paper statement each month. -
How can I view past bills?
How can I view past bills?
You can log into your My altafiber Account, then go to Billing > Bill Summary > Bill History. From there, you will be able to view the bill and total amount due over the past 18 months. For any bills generated prior to June 1, 2022, you will still view them in the prior bill format. -
How do I find the details on my bill?
How do I find the details on my bill?
The easiest way to access your bill is electronically using your My altafiber Account. See the "Service Summary" section found on page one.
How do I understand my bill?
How do I understand my bill?
View the below video for an explanation of altafiber's bill and how to better understand the bill you receive.
I am a new customer, what charges will appear on my first bill?
I am a new customer, what charges will appear on my first bill?
Like other internet & TV providers, altafiber bills one month in advance. Based on the day you began service, you will be billed a partial month charge based on your regular monthly service rate, plus all taxes and fees. Additional charges may include any installation fees, upgrades in service, or On Demand/Pay-Per-View charges. -
Is my service provider still the same?
Is my service provider still the same?
Yes, Cincinnati Bell is now altafiber, but that has no impact to your service. -
What are the additional charges and fees on my bill?
What are the additional charges and fees on my bill?
Any taxes or fees related to a service (Internet, TV, or Phone) will be stated in that product section of your bill, with explanation of those charges below. Additional charges or fees not related to a specific product can be found in the “Other Charges and Credits” section. -
Where do I find my account number on the bill?
Where do I find my account number on the bill?
You can find the following information in the header of every page on your bill: billing address and name, page number, issue date, and your account number. -
Why do I have prorated charges/credits on my bill?
Why do I have prorated charges/credits on my bill?
A billing prorated charge is associated with the use of service from your activation date until the end of the current billing period. For example, if your service began on August 15th, and your billing period ends on August 26th, you will be charged for eleven days of service, instead of the full month of service.
Does altafiber offer Vacation Service? How does it work?
Does altafiber offer Vacation Service? How does it work?
Yes. Vacation Service is available for all services (Internet/TV/Phone). Rather than totally disconnecting service, customers can use Vacation Service and:
- Pay a reduced monthly rate
- Keep all equipment
- Resume normal service after vacation
Note: Certain customers do not qualify for Vacation Service. For Vacation Service to be added, there is a one-time fee of $18.30, no matter how may products are going on Vacation Service. Taxes and fees still apply. Certain additional restrictions may apply. Call, chat or visit a retail store to place your account on Vacation Service. -
How can I change or modify my service?
How can I change or modify my service?
To alter your existing account by adding, changing, or removing services, you can call or stop into a retail store. You can also self-serve in our cart by logging into your My altafiber Account and hitting the "Cart" button in the top right hand corner (Note: you will not be able to cancel or remove services in our cart).
Any alterations to an existing service (i.e. adding channels to an existing account, altering speeds on your internet connection) can usually be made immediately.
For more substantial changes, such as adding Internet service or additional set-top boxes, a technician visit may be required and the Customer Service agent and follow-up receipt will advise you of the scheduled date of install. -
How do I cancel my service?
How do I cancel my service?
We don't want to see you go! If you want to cancel some or all of your services you can call or stop into a retail store. An agent will walk you through the disconnection process and let you know of any final payments, equipment return or special offers we have available before you leave. -
How do I remove Vacation Service when I return?
How do I remove Vacation Service when I return?
You can call, chat or visit a retail store to remove Vacation Service from your account.
I am currently paying a promotional rate for service. Will that rate continue when I return?
I am currently paying a promotional rate for service. Will that rate continue when I return?
- Promotional rates have fixed expiration dates and are not extended when going on Vacation Service.
- When services are reactivated after being on Vacation Service, promotional rates may change.
- During reactivation, an agent will review your account and discuss the promos on your account.
If I cancel my service, will my bill be prorated?
If I cancel my service, will my bill be prorated?
No, we do not prorate our non-regulated services. We only prorate charges for regulated services. Non-regulated services are billed for a full month even if you cancel the service one day into your billing cycle.
How do I change my profile information for My altafiber Account?
How do I change my profile information for My altafiber Account?
To manage your login email address, password or contact information, simply go to Account > My Profile > Login & Security to make any changes. -
How do I create a My altafiber Account?
How do I create a My altafiber Account?
Before you create your My altafiber Account, you will need the following items: -
How do I log into My altafiber Account?
How do I log into My altafiber Account?
To log into My altafiber Account:
Click the My altafiber Account icon located at the top of any page on our website.
Enter your Email Address and Password in the fields and click the "Continue" button.
NOTE: Click the "Remember me" checkbox if you want the login page to automatically remember your email address each time you visit your My altafiber Account.
How do I view and/or change the services and features I have on my account?
How do I view and/or change the services and features I have on my account?
With a My altafiber Account, you can do more than just view and pay your bill online. You can also view the services that are currently being billed to your account, add features, configure your services, and more! To view the services for your account:
Log into My altafiber Account.
Click on the service you wish to manage.
In each section, you will find a list of services you currently have subscribed to as well as options for managing them.
What is an Associated Account and how do I manage it?
What is an Associated Account and how do I manage it?
Associated Accounts are those accounts you can access from your My altafiber Account login. All users start with one association, which is the account you registered when your User ID was first created. Then, if you wish to access more than one account from the same login, you can associate them.
To manage associated accounts, simply go to Account > My Profile > Manage Associated Accounts. From this screen, you may add, remove, set default or nickname accounts so that they are all easily accessible from your single My altafiber Account login. When you associate more than one account in the list shown, you can easily switch to view each account from the 'Select Account' drop down on the main navigation bar.
NOTE: Associating accounts here does NOT combine the billing for those accounts.
Does altafiber offer a 30 day money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied?
Does altafiber offer a 30 day money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied?
Yes, altafiber offers a 30 day money-back guarantee on monthly recurring charges and activation fees for new TV, Phone or Internet services. No refunds for long-distance, Video-on-Demand (VOD) or Pay Per View (PPV) charges, taxes, surcharges or fees. A customer must request refund on new service(s) within 30 days of qualifying installation. To contact altafiber, click here. -
How do I see when my promotions are expiring?
How do I see when my promotions are expiring?
When you view your bill (online in My altafiber Account or paper bill), you will see the Month & Year all your promotions expire. When viewing your bill, all promotion amounts and expiration dates are located below the product that has a promotion. See below for an example.
Additionally, we notify you of this change the month before and during the month of your promotion expiration in the "Important Bill Messages" section of your bill. -
What happens when my promotions expire?
What happens when my promotions expire?
When your promotions expire you will typically be stair-stepped into another promotional offer. If you are on a stair-step promotion the receipt that was emailed to you when you ordered or modified your service will state what your promotional discount amount will go to after expiration.
You can always call, chat or stop into a retail store to discuss your promotions and account.