Viewing Services for:

Greater Cincinnati, OH


Consumer Information

Cincinnati Bell Inc. is now doing business as altafiber, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC is now doing business as altafiber Network Solutions and Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories is now doing business as altafiber Extended Territories. Are you looking for help for a residential service? Please select the appropriate section below.

10-Digit Dialing Notice

All customers with 317, 463, 937 and 326 area codes must dial area code + telephone number for all local calls.

Accessibility & Services

If you are hearing or speech-impaired, or have other physical difficulties using the phone, altafiber has solutions.

Consumer Responsibility and Unlawful Use

Under the Federal Communications Commission's Registration Program, you may supply your own telephone equipment and connect it directly to the telephone network.

Consumer Rights

We welcome the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have. If you feel we have not fully addressed your questions or concerns, a supervisor is available to assist you.

Harassing Calls

It is a crime under state and federal law for anyone to make obscene or harassing telephone calls.


Lifeline is designed to assist qualifying Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky consumers with their telephone service needs. These programs provide special discounts when obtaining service and provide a monthly service discount as well. All programs are available for new and existing customers of altafiber.

Network Management

Learn more about how altafiber manages the wireline network.

Services & Charges

The charge for repair and/or installation work in your home are based in the length of time require to complete the request.

Third Party Data Sharing

See what information altafiber does and does not share with third parties and how to opt out of sharing your data.