If you are hearing-impaired or speech-impaired, or have other phsyical difficulties using the phone, altafiber has solutions.@Model.TagName>
Find instructions on how to initiate and adjust closed captioning features on current Fioptics and Fioptics+ set top boxes.@Model.TagName>
These emergency numbers are free from long distance charges.@Model.TagName>
Hearing-impaired or speech-impaired persons with TDD/TTY's (Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf) can communicate via telephone with other TDD/TTY users.@Model.TagName>
If you are physically challenged or know someone who has a physical problem using the telephone, we will do our best to design an effective solution.@Model.TagName>
Visually impaired persons using our Fioptics TV service and need audible accessible equipment.@Model.TagName>
Directory listings for TDD/TYY users include the phrase "TDD Accessible." In addition, a separate section for listen TDD/TTY telephone numbers is located at the end of the business listings in the back of the White Pages.@Model.TagName>
For 24 hour help placing a TTY to TTY call for local, long distance, collect, calling card, third number or other Operator assisted calls.@Model.TagName>
The Telecommunication Relay Service enables customers who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-imparied to use their TDD or TTY to place calls to and receive calls from hearing people.@Model.TagName>