Cincinnati Bell Inc. is now doing business as altafiber, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC is now doing business as altafiber Network Solutions and Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories is now doing business as altafiber Extended Territories.
Naturally, you're concerned about your privacy - and we are too. To learn more about all the steps we take to protect you, select any option in our Policy and General Help index.
Read about all the terms and conditions associated with current altafiber promotional offers.
Find out your legal rights to the information we provide and information you may provide to altafiber while using this site.
Access altafiber Service Terms & Conditions for both residential and business.
altafiber knows how important personal privacy is to our customers. altafiber maintains strict privacy policies and uses industry-accepted technologies to safeguard such information.
In the interest of respecting the privacy of all consumers, altafiber has established a Consumer Do Not Call Policy. As always, altafiber respects the privacy of all consumers.
altafiber recognizes the importance of protecting copyright holders and prohibits the use of its systems or network for infringing activities.
Learn more about Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) and how we use this information to provide telecommunication products and services that best meet your needs.
You, as a telephone customer, have many rights and responsibilities. Check here to see the list of these rights and responsibilities with the corresponding details for each.
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Learn more about the customer owned modem program from altafiber Business.