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Greater Cincinnati, OH


Whole Home WiFi that works

A simple, smart and secure network extension that keeps you safe from a decrease in signal or connection performance in your home

Add a Whole Home WiFi Upgrade

If you have trouble with connection in your home, eero Whole Home WiFi extenders provide your home with custom, optimized coverage to make sure all of your smart devices stay connected.

$ 5 00/mo. when bundled with internet

Having connection issues in your home?

With an eero mesh system, multiple eeros work together harmoniously to send connection in every direction throughout your home. In addition, eero’s patented TrueMesh technology intelligently routes traffic to reduce drop-offs and dead spots.

eero TrueMesh

Whole Home WiFi benefits

made for your home

Made for your home

eero optimizes its performance based on your network layout, connected devices, and overall network usage. This results in fast speed, efficient coverage, and a reliable connection.

avoids conflict

Avoids conflict

TrueMesh is a patented eero technology that relies on dynamic routing algorithms and real-time data to optimize your connection based on usage.

corrects itself

Corrects itself

If an eero device drops offline our TrueMesh technology determines the ideal path for wifi traffic among your eero devices, so your signal stays strong.

A perfect fit for every space

Build the network you need with a mesh system that’s flexible enough for any layout. Whether you have a tiny home or four-story estate, eero’s got you covered.

a woman on a tablet

Keep your household secure

As an eero wireless gateway customer, you'll get eero's subscription security service, eero Secure, included at no additional cost. eero offers automatic updates to help keep your network safe and secure, without any effort.

Looking to bundle?

Check out our Fioptics Home Bundle which includes Fioptics Care and Premium Technical Support for your best connection.