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Greater Cincinnati, OH


Connect confidently with eero Secure

Keep your household secure

As an eero wireless gateway customer, you'll get eero's subscription security service, eero Secure, included at no additional cost.

eero Secure adds security and safety services to your eero devices, such as active threat protection and advanced parental controls. It can also give you deeper insights into your network data usage.

eero device


Create profiles so that you can set custom schedules, control internet access, and apply content filters by profile.


Content Filters

Set restrictions for designated devices based on preset age ranges or content categories.

content filters

Block apps

Block select apps for designated profiles.

block apps

Block & Allow Sites

Help prevent particular websites from displaying on certain family members’ devices.

Block & Allow Sites

Activity Center

See how many filters eero Secure has performed and how many threats it has blocked.

Activity Center

Got questions about eero Secure?