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Dublin, OH


Regulatory & Government Affairs

Cincinnati Bell Inc. is now doing business as altafiber, Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC is now doing business as altafiber Network Solutions and Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories is now doing business as altafiber connected services.

The Regulatory Affairs and Government Affairs functions comprise altafiber's Government Relations Department. While Government Affairs focuses on the impact of local, state, and federal legislation, Regulatory Affairs concentrates upon altafiber's regulatory initiatives and obligations. Regulatory Affairs personnel are responsible for tariffs, docket management activities, compliance functions, and interfacing with State and Federal regulatory commissions and related organizations, such as industry associations.

altafiber Network Solutions provides traditional, ILEC, local telecommunications products and services and broadband internet access in the Cincinnati, Ohio metropolitan area, including portions of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and covering more than 2,400 square miles. altafiber connected services provides CLEC services in parts of Ohio and Indiana (see map section for additional information on service areas) and video services in parts of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. altafiber connected services is certified to provide CLEC and long distance services in 48 states.

Through this web page customers and other interested parties can access and review altafiber's tariffs, service agreements, maps of service areas and contact information for altafiber's regulatory representatives.

To see a complete list of Tariffs, click here

To see a complete list of Service Agreements, click here

To contact the Regulatory department, click here.

To view Regulatory Maps, click here.

To see additional Regulatory links, click here.

To access the altafiber Carrier Services homepage, click here

To access altafiber's FCC online public inspection file, click here

Rural Call Completion

Contact Kim Zdinak