Eligible customers must verify their eligibility through the National Verifier database. Customers can utilize the consumer portal at
www.checklifeline.org to determine eligibility, they may mail their completed application and all supporting documentation to the Lifeline Support Center or they may go to an authorized altafiber retail store where an associate may help them determine eligibility. All applications are subject to verification of the applicant's eligibility for Lifeline through the National Verifier.
altafiber may not grant Lifeline benefits to those that do not qualify in the National Verifier. If the customer chooses to mail their documentation to the Lifeline Support Center please mail all paperwork to:
Lifeline Support Center
PO Box 7081
London, KY 40742
Note: An application for Lifeline is not an applications for new telephone or internet service. Consumers wanting to establish new service must contact altafiber to establish service and return the completed Lifeline application.