Supplier Management

Interested in becoming a supplier to altafiber? Learn more about the basic requirements and policies for suppliers and the programs we support.

Supplier On-Boarding & Diversity Program

With headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, altafiber provides integrated communications solutions - including local, long distance, data, Internet, and entertainment services - that keep residential and business customers in Greater Cincinnati and Dayton connected with each other and with the world. Complementing the co-location products, altafiber also offers complex information technology solutions like managed services and technology staffing.

The altafiber Supply Chain and Purchasing organization is responsible for negotiating and contracting for goods and services for the altafiber enterprise. In addition, altafiber procurement responsibilities include delivering goods and services in ways that guarantee quality and value to our clients throughout altafiber. The supply line is viewed as a strategic component of the business, and altafiber is constantly seeking out ways to improve its performance and reduce costs. Such improvements come from many sources, including leveraging volumes and standardizing products to reduce costs, partnering with suppliers to optimize performance and applying more sophisticated warehousing and distribution techniques to gain efficiencies.

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