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Greater Cincinnati, OH


Commitment to Digital Equity

altafiber is committed to digital equity that allows all individuals and communities to have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, economy, and democracy. In this time of work-from-home and learn-from-home environment, connectivity is more important than ever. “In order to serve the community, you always want to focus on what you are good at. Providing connectivity is what we are good at. It is incumbent upon us to bridge the divide and close the digital equity gap,” says Leigh Fox, President & CEO of altafiber and CBTS.

Partnership with Butler Rural Electric Cooperative (BREC)

Now, more than ever, high-speed Internet and Wi-Fi connectivity are an increasingly powerful engine for continued innovation and economic growth as well as our day-to-day life. altafiber understands that we will have to collaborate with local business and public partners to close the digital equity gap in our region. The partnership with BREC demonstrates to the rest of the nation what a public-private partnership can accomplish to provide a critical service to the under-served population.