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Greater Cincinnati, OH


Have you created your user profile in USAC’s new system, EPC? You will want to include your bank information, as well. All BEAR forms are now handled directly through EPC. If you’d rather be reimbursed via the SPI method, please notify Kim Taylor as soon as possible. Please email Kim Taylor at if you have not done so already. 

For more information on E-Rate funding, contact the School & Libraries Division (SLD) at or  1-888-203-8100 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. EST. All calls are tracked as cases, and USAC will communicate with you via that case, so please be prepared by having your user profile updated in EPC. 

altafiber SPIN Numbers:

  • altafiber Telephone Local Service – Kentucky: 143001581
  • altafiber Telephone Local Service – Ohio: 143001687
  • CBTS, now known as CBTS TS (Technical Solutions), and CBAD, formerly known as Cincinnati Bell Any Distance: 143027197

altafiber E-Rate Hotline, altafiber E-rate Coordinator Kim Taylor: